
Context variables

The context is a JavaScript object containing variables that can be used in the template. If you pass this object to the template
        firstName: 'Jack',
        lastName: 'Shephard',
        status: 'lost',
you can use it in the template as follows:
    <h3>Passenger information:</h3>
    <div>Name: {{ lastName }}, {{ firstName }}</div>
    <div>Status: {{ status }}</div>
The final result will be this:

Passenger information:

Name: Shephard, Jack
Status: lost

Context loops

As well as being able to inject simple variables, you can also pass arrays (of values of simple types) to the template. In the template, you can iterate these arrays:
    { passengers:

you can use it like this in the template:

      {% for passenger in passengers %}
        <li>{{ passenger }}</li>
      {% endfor %}

This renders to:


  1. Jack
  2. John
  3. Kate
  4. Sawyer
  5. Hurley
  6. Sayid
  7. Charlie
  8. Claire
  9. Michael
  10. Shannon
  11. Jin-Soo
  12. Sun-Hwa
  13. Boone
  14. Walter

From DB

Kate Austen
Claire Littleton
Sun-Hwa Kwon

Nested properties

John Locke